Weekly Growth Groups

One of the best ways for us to fulfill the command of Jesus to love one another is by getting connected to a small group here at Westfair! Groups meet throughout the week and study a variety of topics:
Josh Rhea’s Growth Group
In Depth Study of Sunday’s Sermon
Wednesday Evenings – 6:30 pm
in youth room
*Child Friendly*
Gail Moore’s Growth Group
Wednesday Evenings – 5:30 pm
in Westfair Classroom #2
Bill Rhea’s Growth Group
Thursday Mornings – 10:00 am
at Bill & Alicia Rhea’s house
Fred Moody’s Growth Group
Wednesdays – 2:30pm
in Sanctuary
Tami Balthis’ Ladies Growth Group
Wednesday Evenings – 6:30 pm
in Westfair Classroom #1
Men’s Growth Group
Wednesday Evenings – 6:30 pm
in Westfair Classroom #3